Expert support to build a thriving business that’s aligned with your purpose and values

A photo of Denyse Whillier, Strategic Business Coach, in a retail store

You started your business to follow your purpose and passion. But with growth comes growing pains.

You’re wondering how to boost sales and earn more while also working fewer hours.

You want to bring on more staff, but you’re not sure who to hire or how to delegate all the things you do to other people.

Maybe you get to Thursdays and wonder when you’re going to find time to work on your business..

And the hardest part? 

Figuring things out by trial and error without ever really knowing what’s the right way forward. 

But today you can change all that.


A Full List of My Business Coaching and Strategic Planning Services


Power Hour | One Hour Strategy Call


Are you facing a difficult decision in your business or in need of some one-off advice from an independent expert? A Power Hour will fit into your busy schedule and get you the immediate help you need.  

  • Select your primary challenge for in-depth discussion. 

  • Receive personalised advice tailored to your business. 

  • Recorded on Zoom, there’s no need for notetaking; I’ll provide a summary of our call. 

  • Review and revisit the insights as often as you like. 

Let’s get together and get to grips with what you need to work through right now. 


Monthly Strategic Business Coaching


Are you looking for support and expert guidance to make big changes in your business like delivering new services, increasing revenue. improving operations or taking on or making changes to your team? 

Strategic business coaching is like having a board meeting every month:  

  • Set a focused, realistic 3-month strategic plan for each quarter. 

  • On-tap support to review progress, work through challenges and make the changes you need to help your business flourish. 

  • Accountability to your goals and to keep you moving in the right direction. 

  • Meet either in person or on Zoom, with email support in between meetings. 

Let’s discuss how I can support your business over the medium to long term.


Small Business Audit


Are you so focused on today that it’s hard to find the time to take a thorough look at your business from an external and internal perspective? That’s where I can step in and give you a hand. Following a clear structure, I’ll review your business and provide you with an actionable list of recommendations which identify the areas that need immediate attention and how to go about tackling them. 

  • Receive an exciting, achievable plan of action for the year ahead, saving you time, money and energy. 

  • Honest advice about how to move your small business forward. 

  • Tailored answers to the questions you have about your small business. 

  • Jam-packed with expert knowledge. 

Let me help you start 2024 from a position of clarity about your immediate priorities. 


Strategic Planning Days


Are you struggling to progress because you’re trying to figure it all out on your own? Well, not anymore. Strategy or CEO days are an opportunity to step away from the day-to-day and focus on your business growth plans and improvement. 

Following a structured process, I’ll help you create a plan to start 2024 from a position of strength and move forward with direction clarity, confidence. 

  • Either one full day (9.30-4.30pm) or 4 x full days delivered across 12 months, typically every quarter.  

  • Set your 3- or 12-month strategic plan to keep you moving in the right direction. 

  • Overcome specific challenges like your positioning, pricing, team growth or cash flow. 

  • Coaching, consulting, guidance and support on the day 

  • A written 3- or 12-month strategic plan. 

Let’s set aside a regular time to focus on you and your business. 


Bespoke Business Support | Additional Add-ons


Do you need support that’s not listed? Just ask.

Any of the services above can be combined or I can create something bespoke to you and your business. 

And here are examples of results some clients have got from working with me

  • Lucia launched …

    … her ceramics business after her fashion job fell through due to the pandemic and she decided to follow her passion and start a ceramics brand.

    When early collections of her Spanish influenced tableware sold out, she hit the growing pains which came with fast growth.  I worked with her to stabilise cash flow so she could build her business safe and strong.

  • Natalie generated...

    … > £11,500/ month in recurring revenue by developing a subscription model for her sustainable flower business.

    When the pandemic struck, Natalie’s routes to market were closed. With help from a grant, she digitalised her business. She set a goal of achieving 250 subscriptions/ month which she achieved 3 months ahead of schedule. Natalie employed a marketing team, and this has sped up growth.

  • Tara paid herself...

    … ...3x what she did within 6 months of starting work with me after doubling the turnover of her marketing agency.

    We repositioned Tara’s agency to focus on working with companies in the green technology sector. This took courage and some serious soul searching. But by pruning, Tara’s agency was better able to stand out to her target client and her pipeline and her business grew as a result.

Imagine if you had... 

  • A good understanding of your business goals and a clear path to achieving them.

  • A clear understanding of the value you offer and what sets you apart from the crowd.

  • The ability to consistently hit and exceed your revenue goals.

  • Clarity about your business growth strategy.

  • Systems and processes in so you’re able to easily delegate tasks to your team. 

  • More time on your calendar so you can choose to work on your business or to take an afternoon off.

Sound like a faraway dream? Then it’s time we met!

A close up of strategic business coach and former CEO, Denyse Whillier smiling

Hi there, I’m Denyse

A former CEO, I specialise in helping women-led business owners realise their business goals and achieve strong, steady, sustainable business growth.

With over 25 years of senior management and leadership experience under my favourite Sézane belt, my purpose is to give you the strategic know-how and tools and to achieve your goals and grow your business with confidence.

How? My strategy first approach to business.

A strategy first approach means you can say goodbye to the endless cycle of DIY’ing your business which stops female founders from achieving strong, steady, sustainable business growth.

Instead you’ll put in place a strategic roadmap which takes your business from where it is now to the future you envisioned when you first started your business. 

  • “The most valuable asset Denyse brings to my business, has always been her rounded approach to supporting my individual goals and desired lifestyle, and assisting in building a sustainable and fulfilling business model which reflects my needs and circumstances. She has helped me build the best business for me with her extensive experience and her empathy.” ~ Kerry, Dance Studio, Worthing, Sussex

  • “Denyse came into my life at a time when I was struggling to manage my business. Her calm nature and experienced manner helped tremendously to get me into the right mindset to make big changes, and to take on challenges that would have been too daunting beforehand. " ~ Leigh, Language School, Worthing, Sussex

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A photo of Denyse Whillier, Strategic Business Coach and former CEO


Ready to get started? I’d love to hear how you’re doing and see where I can help.

The next step is to schedule a no-obligation free call to see how I can help. Enquire to book a friendly (and free) chat.